Still Hitting Those PR's - Always Pushing Forward.
Friday, October 30, 2015 at 11:51AM
Michael Kaye in Bench Press, Deadlift, Strength, Workout Journal

I haven't shared a PR (Personal Best or Personal Record) with you guys in a while and probably because I rarely go for any singe rep PR's since for me at my age it is a bit risky in terms of getting an injury and what's the point really, just so I can say I bench "X" amount of weight.

I prefer to measure my Personal Bests with how many reps I can do at a certain weight and usually that weight is more than many people my age can even do 1 reo for, not to brag but just to put it all in perspective.

So here are a couple Rep PR's I got in the last couple of days:

Yesterday was Deadlift day and I was not into it at all starting out but as we progressed with the workout I was starting to feel pretty good and the weight was moving well. We had programmed reps of 5 starting out at 225 pounds and working our way up sticking to 5 reps per set. Here is how it turned out... 

We also programmed in 5 Strict pull-ups in-between sets and finished off with 3 rounds of straight leg Barbell Deadlifts at 225 pounds x 10 reps again with 5 pull-ups in-between. View my Heart Rate Info for this workout!

My next PR was today in Bench Press, again I generally refrain from going under 3-5 reps at a time since it usually leads to a peck or shoulder injury but my bench has been getting stronger so today we did our warmup and then loaded 245 pounds on the bar for 4 sets of max rep Bnech Press. I was kind of surprised at my results!

At the end of the workout I performed three rounds of what I call Fly-Presses, this is where I start out doing Dumbbell Chest Flies and then switch to Dumbbell Bench Press. I used 50 pounds per arm for 8-10 reps per set per movement. View my Heart Rate Info for this workout!

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (
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