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Entries in Human Trainer (6)


The Human Trainer Suspension Body Weight Resistance Training System

Over the weekend I picked up a "The Human Trainer" Suspension Body Weight Resistance Training System from my local fitness store. I actually went there to grab some wrist straps for my Crossfit classes and the Human Trainer system caught my eye, the store also happened to be dong a promo on it that was basically the "Essentials kit" bundled with the Ceiling Mounts and Versatility Anchors. The whole setup was pretty much half price so I had to do it ;) I also picekd up the Olympic Rings at the same time.

If you don't know what a Suspension Body Weight Resistance Training System is, I will be making some videos in the near future using this setup once I get the "hang" of things, sorry for the pun...

Here is a summary of what the The Human Trainer System is for the time being:

Made for versatility, The Human Trainer is a portable, easy to use, and highly effective training system that can be used virtually anywhere by people of all ages and fitness levels. The Human Trainer harnesses your own bodyweight to provide resistance and gives you virtually unlimited fitness options that train your entire body. By simply adjusting your angle or changing your grip, you can target any muscle group without having to stop in between exercises. The Human Trainer engages your core and stabilizers on every exercise, increases your flexibility, and giving you an unbeatable muscular and cardiovascular workout!

Keep posted on this one, I hope to be incorporating it into my weekly workouts...


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