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Onewheel vs EUC Which is Better

Onewheel vs EUC Which is Better? The great debate! If you own a Onewheel, then you probably think the One Wheel is the better machine. If you own an EUC (Electric Unicycle), then you probably think the EUC is the best! What if you own both?

So I'm not going to give a definitive answer here as both PEV's (Personal Electric Vehicle) have their own strengths and weaknesses. In this video I try and cover the Pro's and Con's for each PEV and let you decide which one is the best for you!

Here are some strength and weaknesses for each Personal Electric Vehicle:

  • Speed for sure goes to the EUC as some can go as fast as 100kmh, mine does around 70kmh, compared to a Onewheel, where max speed is typically 30+kmh if you are brave.
  • Battery life again goes to the EUC as many are capable of 100km to even as high as 200km! A Onewheel tops out at 30-40km and that's for the latest and greatest GT version, older versions can have a limit of around 10km.
  • Size and weight would in most cases go to the Onewheel as they typically weigh around 25-30 pounds with the GT version weighing in at 35 pounds. Earlier versions of EUC's did weigh around the same but the trend for EUC's is to "go big or go home" with some larger faster units weighing in over 100 pounds. My personal Kingsong S22 weighs in at around 75 pounds but has some big ass batteries in it giving me a range of up to 100km.
  • Portability: I would say it ties in to size and weight but I portability is more about carrying the PEV around and stashing it in a trunk or under a seat. Again earlier smaller versions of EUC's would be comparable to a Onewheel here but since most of the new much larger more popular EUC's are now the norm, I would have to go with the Onewheel in terms of portability.
  • What about power: Kind of like speed, but power does not always equal speed, it often represents how much torque a motor has which is usually measured in Watts. Most Onewheel's have a 750 Watt motor and so do some smaller lighter EUC's. You can however get an EUC with a motor capable of 3500 watts that have a peak watt output of up to 6000 watts, that's crazy I know! This power means you can climb almost any hill on an EUC while Onewheel's do have their limitations when it comes to hill climbing.
  • Coolness Factor: I would say both are equally cool so this one's a draw.
  • Fun Riding: And this one again is a draw for me as both are fun in their own way. When riding a OneWheel I am more relaxed and just having fun while on the EUC I switch in to intensity mode as the speed and acceleration kind of takes ahold of me. I guess it really depends on the day as to what PEV I feel like riding and what kind of trip I plan to make.
  • Price: A Onewheel can cost anywhere from around $1000US for a Pint up to $2200 for a GT, that would be new prices but Onewheel for sure do hold their value. On the other hand you can also get an EUC for even under $1000US but they also go up to well over $4000US for the latest and greatest high speed long range EUC's. So considering average price to buy new and resale value I would give the win to the Onewheel here.
  • Terrain you can ride on: The EUC has this category in my books, many new EUC's even have suspension giving them the ability to ride even on extreme Mountain bike trails and do crazy jumps. On the other hand the Onewheel is not as functional off roading as an EUC, but you can ride trails and hop off curbs and even take small jumps if you are a more experienced rider.

Hopefully that gives you a good idea on a Onewheel vs EUC and Which is Better. It really comes down to what your needs are and what you plan on doing with one of these very awesome PEVs...

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