Posts by Month

Entries in Fitness Contest (61)


Contest Prep Big Announcement!

I wasn't even 100% sure if I was going to do a Fitness Show this year and was trying to decide between having to travel to some shows that offered a Pro Card or staying close to home and competing in a Regional Show for the fun of it. After much debate I had decided to keep the costs down and stay close to home and was going to do the Popeye's Fall Classic as I felt it was one of the best regional Show offerings in my area.

And then I did some more research taking a look at what it would actually cost me to travel to Toronto and compete at this years Canadian Nationals and it wasn't as much as I was expecting it to be. This may in fact be my last real chance at a Pro Card, after all I am 50 years old now and even as a Master I will be competing against some of the guys being 10 years younger than me.

I really don't mind competing against younger guys since I have competed in the Open Category a bunch of times but it does get a bit harder every year. Since I am 50 now I will be competing at the Canadian Nationals  in Men's Masters Physique and Men's Grand Masters Physique which will give me two shots at being in the Overalls. At right around 8 weeks out I have a lot of work to do to bring my best package to stage ever! I feel I am right on track holding a good amount of muscle with not a lot of body fat and I am injury free for now, let's hope it stays that way right to show day.


Will I Compete in a Fitness Show this Year - June Update Video 2019

The question I have been getting asked and that has been on my mind the most lately is "Will I Compete in a Fitness Show this Year?" To be honest I am not really sure and would like to get some feedback from you folks to see what you think I should do in 2019.

I've been keeping my options open by making sure I am training consistently and chipping away at gaining a little bit of size while staying relatively lean. Considering I am in what I call my off season (which is anytime I am not actually contest prepping), I'm about as big and lean as I have ever been so that means I wouldn't need a ton of time to contest prep but the more heads up the better of course.

There where a couple of shows I was considering that I will not be able to attend due to family commitments. The first show I was not able to attend was the Vancouver Island Showdown held this past June 15th. Dean Brandt had asked me to come as a part of TeamOldSchool which would have been a lot of fun!

The next show which is coming up that again I have family obligations at the same time is the Vancouver Pro Am which is a qualified show offering Pro Cards for Open Categories. The Vancouver Pro Am has classes for Master and Grand Master but no Pro Cards for Masters as far as I know, it still would have been a lot of fun competing with top level guys in my age category.

So that brings us to the shows that I am considering now and that as far as I know I do not have family obligations at least at this time ;) The first show coming up is the Amateur Olympia in Las Vegas being held mid September. Again there are no Pro Cards in the over 35 Masters Classes but they do offer multiple Pro Cards to the Open Classes. The downside to this show is cost since just to enter each class is $250 US, not to mention, flights, hotel, tanning, meal prep food to name a few.

I could also do this years Popeye's Fall Classic being held October 26th which is a well organized local show with amazing prizes and guest posing by none other than Big Ramy. I did Popeye's Fall Classic back in November of 2017 and not only had a great time but placed first in Open Physique Tall and third in Open Classic Physique. The advantage here is this show is right in my own back yard so costs are much lower and there is less pressure since it is a qualifying show with no Pro Cards to be had.

So first of all I want to ask everyone which show they think I should do? Secondly, and I am not even really sure how to go about this but I was hoping to find some sponsorship if I do decide to attend this years Amateur Olympia in Las Vegas since it will be rather costly (Around $1500-$2000 US). Sponsor or Sponsors will be mentioned in my all my Contest Prep Videos. Sponsor product or services should be related to the market I appeal to for best return on investment.

To contact me about being a Sponsor email me at


GetFitOver40 Update Video Diamond Cup Plus New Reviews

It's time for another Update Video! Lots is happening so let's get it told... First off I am fairly confident that Iw ill be competing at the IFFB Diamond Cup on August 11th this year which is only a little more than thee weeks away so I am already in contest prep mode again cutting calories and back in the gym. I plan to be the most shredded I have ever been and get some redemption for what happened at my last showing at the Vancouver Pro Am.

I also have some new products I will be testing out and sharing my perspective on how they all worked For me. I have a new Wireless Lapel mic being sent to me from Fifine Technology, the (K031B) which comes with a lapel mic, headset mic, transmitter, and USB receiver. Hopefully the quality is good enough to allow me to use it in some of my future videos?

A company by the name of Kor sent me one of their Kor Plus Systems that supplies you with Antioxidant water on the go. The system also delivers magnesium, electrolytes potassium, calcium and even adjusts your water to a 9+ Alkalinity. Really a complete system for water drinkers and they even automatically send you out a new filter every month so your water is always at it's best.

The other day I picked up some Jabra Elite 65t In-Ear Noise Cancelling Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headphones with Mic at my local Best Buy. I really like the concept of no wires at all, I already have a cheap no-name brand pair but the battery life only lasts about an hour which means they will not get me through even a short workout. So far the Jabra Elite 65t In-Ear Noise Cancelling Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headphones are working out really well and have exceeded my expectations in almost every area.

Lastly and this is a first for me. I purchased some legal Cannabis, well the kind that doesn't make you high, you might wonder what the point is. Well believe it or not you can also use none THC based Cannabis for pain and inflammation and it's all natural so no strain on your liver and kidney. I figure it's worth a shot. The type I got is CBD Tincture BRONZE- (500 mg in 30 ml). Hope it works for my shoulder pain?

That's about it for now which I know will keep my busy enough.


7.5 Weeks Out to the Vancouver Pro Am Update Video with Posing

Just over 7 weeks to go till the Vancouver Pro Am and I feel I am right on track to be in my best ever shape, bigger and leaner than ever to put my best foot forward at a chance for an IFFB Pro Card.

I know the competition is going to be super tuff but will they be ready for me :) I have two shots at a Pro Card, one in Open Classic Physique and one in Open Physique. I will also compete in Masters Over 40 Physique but there is no IFBB Pro Card offered in that class. Just a placing and bragging rights!

Currently I am right around 213 pounds and according to my Skulpt Aim Body Composition Scanner I am down another point to 7.7% body fat, that's 2 points in a month with about 2 month to go should get me under 5% and hopefully close to 4% body fat. I hope to hit the stage at right around 205-210 pounds which will be an increase in size from my last show (Popeye's Fall Classic) of at least 10 pounds, 15 if I can keep gaining some muscle on the way down.

Make sure to watch my video till the end to catch some more posing, the lighting is super natty so keep that in mind. It's not that flattering but you will get an idea on how things are looking.


Back from Oceanside California Holiday Update Video

Well I'm back from holidays, the family and I had a great time vacationing in sunny California where we stayed at the WorldMark Resort over at Oceanside. The best part for me was I just ate what I wanted to and took a break from everything training related for the most part.

I actually ended up losing about 5 pounds but I am sure some of it was water, some was glycogens and perhaps a little bit of fat since I was not stuffing my face with food like I was while on my bulk leading up to this vacation. Right now I am back up to around 213 even though I started a slight calorie deficit this week, most likely added glycogens from my workouts and some water getting back into my system.

When I got back I did a full body Sculpt Aim Body composition scan on myself and was surprised to see that I was under 10% even after the long bulk and holiday I snuck in at 9.8% body fat and a 99.3 Muscle Quality.

I am about 11.5 weeks out for the Vancouver Pro Am, sorry no posing just yet, really not much has changed since my birthday posing video as I was away for a week and a half on holiday and only recently started training again. Once I feel I have made at least a bit of a body composition change I will make a quick posing video for everyone.

The next 11 weeks or so it's go time, nothing but hard trying and structured eating. My plan is to scrub a little bit of fat till I get down to a percentage I'm more comfortable with but that still lets me to train hard and then the last month I will start cutting hard again. I hope to step on stage right around 205 to 210 at around 5% body fat or lower if I can add some more muscle over my last show which was the 2017 Popeye's Fall Classic where I competed in Classic Physique and Open Men's Physique.