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Entries in Fitness Contest (61)


Road to the Canadian Nationals 2019 - 4 Weeks Out

4 Weeks Out from the GNC / ALLMAX Canadian National Pro Qualifier came kind of fast, it always seems to happen pretty quickly but in some ways it doesn't get here soon enough!

In this Road to the Canadian Nationals 2019 - 4 Weeks Out video I go over how I'm feeling at this point and what my game plan is for the upcoming weeks in terms of calorie goals and training. I have also added some "Tanning Booth Posing Video" at the end so you can see my progress. Changes week to week are subtle but they should be happening none the less or you're doing something wrong.


Road to the Canadian Nationals 2019 - Full Day of Eating

I get asked fairly often to share a day of eating so here it is, my full day of eating at 4.5 weeks out from the GNC / ALLMAX Canadian National Pro Qualifier in Toronto. Join me as I share all my meals and go over all the calories and Macros for each meal and for the day.


Road to the Canadian Nationals 2019 - 5 Weeks Out

Not a lot to say in this 5 Weeks Out from the 2019 GNC / ALLMAX Canadian National Pro Qualifier. Everything is going as planned which is perfect! It's when you get hit with a surprise that it's time to get concerned... But for now the plan is to train hard, stay on point with my cutting diet and get a little bit tighter every week right up till show day. As promised this video also has some Tanning Booth Conditioning Update Video at the end!


Road to the Canadian Nationals 2019 - What Am I Eating?

We are now about 5.5 weeks out from the GNC / ALLMAX Canadian National Pro Qualifier where I am competing as a Master and Grand Master in Men's Physique attempting to earn my IFFB Pro Card! My goal is to post at least two videos per week where I talk about contest pre topics and give you updates on my progress and physique. Physique updates will happen towards the end of the week and other topics while be covered at the beginning of each week, at least that's the plan...

This week I am going over what I'm eating at this point in my contest prep and cover my daily calorie intake along with my macros. Right now I am sitting right around 2500 calories per day of food with my macros all fairly even, so 150 grams of protein, 150 grams of fat and 150 grams of carbs. Of course this is not exact but it is close. I know some people feel you need to cut back on the fats to lower calories but for me I just feel better with more fats and less carbs, I get way less bloat and feel more satiated with less cravings throughout the day on a higher fat diet.

I have been eating this way for a few months now eating about 2500 calories Monday to Friday with more flexible weekends but over the past month I have been getting a lot stricter on my weekends which is making a big difference in losing the fat. My weight has not dramatically changed as I am still right around 195 pounds but I am noticeably leaner and my strength has been slowly going up. All signs I am also building muscle not just losing fat.

Watch my video for some examples of what a typical day looks like in terms of how I eat. You may be a bit surprised as it is not what most people do during a contest prep ;)


Road to the Canadian Nationals 2019 - 6 Week Out

We are officially 6 weeks out from the GNC / ALLMAX Canadian National Pro Qualifier, well tomorrow we will be and this is when it really starts to hit home. It's time to get super serious, no more bad food days, not that there have been many but it all comes down to these last 6 weeks. The last thing I want to do is not feel ready the last two weeks to show day. By then I should be almost in contest condition with only a little bit of fat left to shred off my body. It's way better to be over ready then be in a position where I am scrambling to lose more weight than I should have to.

Right now I obviously need to lose a fair amount more fat but this is OK since I am still adding more muscle and being too lean would make me way too tired, not to mention my body would not be in a state for building muscle. Watch my 6 Weeks Out YouTube Video where I share a lot of info about how I am going to manage this contest prep. There is some posing at the end for reference.

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