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Entries in TRT (27)


How to Get on TRT in Canada if Your Testosterone is Too High

This information is not medical advice and is only for entertainment purposes. Do not listen to me, always take your doctors advice and put your health first.

The reason I am making this video is because here in Canada we have very rigid qualifications within our health care system that determines whether a person qualifies for TRT. You will need to see you doctor, get blood work done and only if your bloodwork results indicate that you are below what is considered a normal Testosterone threshold, then you can go on TRT that may be covered by Canada Medical and monitored by your doctor.

In the US they have a much more flexible system as there are lot of TRT Clinics that work in a similar manor with doctors to assess your Testosterone levels but they don’t just look at Testosterone levels, they also consider symptoms and put everything in perspective in relation to if a TRT protocol would benefit someone or not.

The benefit to Canada’s system is that if you qualify for TRT, your TRT protocol will be generally covered by Canada Medical. The benefit to the US system is that you are much more likely to be able to find a clinic willing to put you on TRT but at a cost to you. At the end of the video I will recommend  a TRT Clinic in the US that I endorse.

Can a person in Canada pay for their own Testosterone and have their doctor provide them with medical bloodwork and advice regarding levels and dosages? Yes this is possible but you would be required to find your own source of Testosterone. In Canada Steroids are not illegal to buy, own and use but they are illegal to sell outside of a regulated pharmacy without a prescription. That said there are what I can only describe as underground online pharmacies where you can get steroid but quality will be hit and miss, so you will need to do your own research when acquiring such medication not from a licensed pharmacy. Typically a bottle of Testosterone is around $100 Canadian and will give you anywhere from 10 to as much as 40 injections depending on how much you are taking and how potent the Testosterone is. So basically cheaper than protein at the end of the day…

How does this effect what your doctor can do in terms of giving advice about a TRT protocol that has not been prescribed? Your doctor is obligated to give you medical care to the best of their ability no matter what harm you may be inflicting on yourself. Similarly to someone that is obese or an alcoholic or addicted to drugs. Your doctor will give you advice and do their best to put you on the right track as it is their job to look after your health to the best of their ability. They do not have to agree with you lifestyle choices. I guess they could refuse to be your doctor but that would be an extreme situation.

So your doctor will more than likely want to keep track of your bloodwork knowing you are taking Testosterone so they can advise you on your levels and what dosages make sense for a TRT type protocol. The big difference here is that you are kind of in the drivers seat rather than the doctor being in the divers seat so you administer more or less Testosterone then what would normally be prescribed, just keep in mind there are always negative consequence when abusing any drugs.

One often overlooked option if you want to get on Doctor prescribed TRT in Canada, but have bloodwork that is perhaps just over the threshold allowed to be covered by Canada medical, would be to somehow temporarily crash your Testosterone on purpose so when you get your bloodwork drawn you are below normal thresholds.

I wonder how this could be achieved? Hum... Keep in mind this explanation is completely hypothetical and just meant to explain what might happen given a situation where one has exogenous Testosterone in their system and then goes cold turke. It is well understood that when a person goes on Testosterone, their body will adjust for the higher levels of exogenous Testosterone in their system by shutting down its own production of Testosterone. What happens when a person comes off of an exogenous source of Testosterone, is their body takes a little while to begin producing Testosterone again on its own. So for a period of time that person would have much lower than normal testosterone levels.

The goal is to figure out the time when your exogenous Testosterone has crashed and your natural Testosterone has not kicked in yet. Most oil based Testosterones have a half life of around 7 days which means if your Testosterone levels are say 800 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), then one week later they would be around 400 ng/dL, and a week after that they would be around 200 ng/dL, a week after that 100 ng/dL.

So for this hypothetical example, I would recommend a person takes say 100mg of Testosterone per week for about 2-3 months to get their body used to the exogenous Testosterone so their own Testosterone production is somewhat shut down. They will know this because they will have some testicular shrinkage (yup that’s going to happen so get use to it!). This amount should put them in normal ranges of around 500-900 (ng/dL) for most people but I can not say for sure since everyone is very different. Even if they where at the high end and around 1000 (ng/dL), a week after stoping injections of testosterone, they would be around 500 (ng/dL). A week after that around 250 (ng/dL), a week after that around 125 (ng/dL) which should make them well below normal levels on their bloodwork as it is unlikely that their body has had enough time to start producing its own Testosterone.

In other words they are going to need to wait about 3-4 weeks after their last injection before they get their bloodwork done in order to show low levels of Testosterone. This is of course all hypothetical and not advice at all, just a random idea on how exogenous Testosterone would effect natural Testosterone and ultimately lead to an overall reduction of Testosterone in your system given certain circumstances.

Again this is a situation that could hypothetically be used in Canada to qualify for TRT, in the US you have a lot of other options. One of which is to consider a TRT Clinic like Royal Medical Center where if you sign up and use my GFO40 Code in the “Message/Heard About Us” Field you can save $45 per month for a period of time on your TRT Program.


TRT in Canada Versus the US

I am based in Canada so I am most knowledgeable when it comes to the actual process of how TRT works in Canada. I do have a fairly good understanding of how TRT works in the US since I have partnered to some degree with Royal Medical Center in the US, a main reputable US based TRT Clinic. That said I may not know all the ins and out when it comes to the process of each countries setup but I will do my best to explain everything based on my understanding of it all.

TRT in Canada:
In Canada there are TRT clinics, well sort of, these are simply what I would call more specialized doctors that focus on TRT for both Men and Women but you still need to jump through the Canadian Medical System hoops of first getting tested (Which is a good start), then "IF" your blood work determines you are not in a normal  range of Testosterone for your age and sex, (So below normal), then you can proceed to a doctor consult where a TRT plan is initiated. Keep in mind if you are right on the cusp of falling into the below normal range but not actual in it, well so sorry you do not qualify for TRT even if you have all the symptoms of low Testosterone. Canada TRT Clinics will generally charge you for blood work, the initial doctors consult and then periodic follow up fees.

We do have a "FREE" option in Canada since we have a Free Canada Wide Medical System which can work great for some qualified TRT patients. You can simply go to your family doctor and ask for blood work to determine if you have low Testosterone and depending on the doctor they can also prescribe a TRT treatment for you but this is a real hit and miss situation as most family Doctors are not generally trained all that well in this area and many are not comfortable prescribing a TRT option. Most will also be super conservative with the TRT dose which in some, cases is not enough since they really only look at Testosterone levels and not so much what your symptoms are. So they are happy to get you somewhere in the middle ranges even if there does not seem to be much of a benefit from it.

So what if you are low on Testosterone but not low enough and you have all the classic low Testosterone symptoms? Keep in mind I am in no way encouraging anyone to do anything illegal or conduct in shady affairs, I am only offering up information on this subject. Since buying, owning and purchasing Testosterone in Canada is fully legal you can source out your own Testosterone which is kind of a catch since selling Testosterone is the illegal part as Testosterone is considered a controlled substance in terms of selling it. However, finding Testosterone for sale outside a registered pharmacy is not that hard of you do a little bit of Internet digging, quality may be subject though?

So in other words, if you happened to source out your own Testosterone and then go see your doctor for blood work, your doctors obligation is to keep you healthy and not make judgments on your conduct same would be true for smoking, drinking too much, poor diet, being overweight, not getting enough exercise, or taking drugs which would include Testosterone. Again! Your doctors job is to advise and help you stay healthy and so they are required to setup blood work and monitor your Testosterone levels and help you stay in healthy ranges even if your doctor is not prescribing your supplied Testosterone. The cost of actual Testosterone outside of a registered Pharmacy is relatively inexpensive! for example a 10ml bottle of a 400mg per mil Testosterone blend is only about $100 and even if you where taking a higher TRT dose of 200ml per week that would last you 20 weeks, So around $20-$25 per month. Probably cheaper than your protein powder cost each month. You may also require a small amount of an Anti Estrogen medication but if your Testosterone dose is in normal ranges, most likely you will not require an AI.

TRT in the US:
So how does the US compare? First of all the legalities are much different in the US when it comes to any steroid including Testosterone. Outside of a doctors prescription they are illegal to buy, sell own and use. I am sure same as in Canada you can also take a similar Family Doctor approach in the US but from my understanding you will have to pay for any blood work testing, doctor visits and medications depending on your medical plan.

Another very popular option is using a reputable TRT Clinic like Royal Medical Center, they generally offer more of a flat rate payment system where you are charged a certain amount each month and this includes all your TRT treatment drugs that are usually shipped to your residence and any ongoing blood work and consultations. You may have to pay an up front fee to get your initial blood work and the first consultation that may or may mot be offset into any on going monthly fees.

TRT Clinics in the US have very specialized doctors that are knowledgeable in Hormone Replacement Therapy. They not only look at your blood work but also your symptoms since blood work only tells half of the story and since every human is different there isn't a one size fits all Testosterone range for everyone. Some people can function perfectly normal with very low Testosterone levels while others even at higher levels struggle with low TRT symptoms. TRT Clinics in the US take all of this into account which is not the case with Canadian TRT Clinics and Family Doctors. The downside is this can become more of a business and less of a practice since TRT Clinics make most of their income from having long term Clients. So in effect they could be looking for any reason to proceed with a TRT treatment when perhaps there are other options available? That said I feel most reputable TRT Clinics ultimately want the best outcome for their patients.

I hope this help you no matter if you live in Canada or the US. Each country has their own benefits and shortcomings but ultimately what is most important is helping anyone experiencing low Testosterone feel better and get their health in order.


Royal Medical Center TRT Hormone Therapy Update Video

At the beginning of the year I made a video featuring Royal Medical Center talking about their Hormone Therapy Clinics and how they help people with Low Testosterone and related Low-T symptoms. I wanted to make an update video as my GFO40 Discount Code savings have changed a bit. Originally by using my GFO40 Discount Code you would save $45 per month ongoing but Royal Medical Center decided this just wasn't viable for them and so now the GFO40 Coupon Code while still saving you $45 per month, this savings is limited to the first 6 months.

This is still a great setup as it gives Clients the opportunity to save some money while finding out if Royal Medical Center along with Hormone Therapy is right for them. 

Again to recap what Royal Medical Center offers along with my GFO40 Discount Code:

  • Save $45 per month for the first 6 months (Total of $270 saving).
  • Program Is truly all-inclusive.
  • Treat your symptoms.
  • Follow up lab work is completed at 3 months or 90 days.
  • Doctor consultations are always free.
  • Medication is shipped directly to you at no additional cost from a FDA approved pharmacy.
  • No contract. No hidden fees. No additional start up fees.


How to Get the Most Out of Your TRT

After making a few videos on TRT, I now get a lot of questions about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, how to approach your doctor, where to get TRT, how much to take and what else can you take to compliment your Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Your doctor is going to be the best person to help you manage your TRT and make sure to keep you healthy along the way so in most cases your doctor is not going to add in anything other than perhaps HCG and/or an Estrogen blocker, some clinics may prescribe HGH (Human Growth Hormone). All that said there are always going to be those out there wanting to get a little bit more boost out of their TRT so what options are there that will not mess up what you are already accomplishing with your doctor and TRT Program?

Before I get into all of this, remember I am not a doctor or specialist on the subject nor is any of what I am going to say in this article even real advice or information on the subject. The following information is simply for entertainment purposes. While I am rambling on about the disclaimers I may as well mention that SARMs are not for human consumption and are only intended for testing purposes and under no circumstances should any human take SARM's. You may buy them and force them on your lab animals if you chose to do so...

OK so let's begin. If you are already on a TRT Program and have a doctor assisting you with this or even if you are self managing your own TRT Program, you still may want to get a little more out of your TRT. How can you do this without disrupting already managed Testosterone levels? What I mean is you don't want to take some other PED (steroid) that could mess things up.

My personal opinion if you are already happy with how the Testosterone Replacement Therapy is going and want to keep all of that on track is to look at a few of SARMs options that will help you get the most out of your Testosterone Replacement Therapy without interfering with it. All of this is figurative and theoretical since SARMs are not made for human consumption!

First on my list would be MK-677 (Ibutamoren)
Technically not a SARM but rather a secretagogue. Increases Growth Hormone by making the body produce its own Human Growth Hormone. Watch my Video on MK-677. The benefits of MK-677 are an increase and persevere muscle loss especially in a caloric deficit. Decrease body fat. Increase bone density. Improve cognitive function. Slow the aging process. Speed up the healing processes. Help you sleep better and increase REM sleep.

Next you may want to add in some YK-11 (Myostatin Inhibitor) as YK-11 is claimed to reduce Myostatin in the body which allows the muscles to keep growing beyond their genetic disposition.

Lastly I would consider SR-9009 (Stenabolic) otherwise know as exercise in a pill! SR-9009 speeds up your  metabolism, improves endurance, prevents muscle wasting, helps with recovery, reduces cholesterol levels and can even reduce blood pressure.

All of these options do not mess with you sex hormones and will not shut your body down or interfere with your TRT Program. In fact you Testosterone and Estrogen levels should not change at all on any of these SARMs I have listed.

SARMs for Research Purposes in Canada

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the US


SARMs a Very Controversial Topic!

This article is not intended as medical advice nor am I a doctor or specialist on the topic of SARMs. All information provided is simply just my personal thoughts on the subject of SARMs. In no way am I recommending anyone take SARMs.

Before we begin, it must be understood that SARMs are strictly for research use and not intended for Human Consumption at this time so taking a SARM will have unknown risks involved. For this reason if you are a human, I do not recommend using or taking SARMs.

That said I know lots of people are going to take SARMs irregardless for various reasons anyway (Just like Steroids). So here is what I think about the subject without getting into a lot of detail as I am far from an expert and only want to talk about this subject as I get asked about it a lot and often people want to know where they can get SARMs from.

I have added links in this article for a Canadian Based Online store that I believe their products are legitimate. Again not for use with humans but rather on hamsters, rats and other unwilling small rodents.

Are SARMs legal to Sell, Buy, Own?

At this time yes, because research chemicals like SARMs are not for human consumption meaning they can not be sold as a supplement. They must be sold strictly as research chemicals. This status could change at any time as the Government has recently been getting involved and trying to figure out just what to do with and how to classify SARMs.

So Why Are People Considering SARMs Over Steroids?

  1. SARMs are usually in pill form, so you do not need to inject them. So much easier to take.
  2. SARMs are considered to have similar benefit to steroids with potentially a lot less of the negative side effects.
  3. SARMs are claimed to be less toxic to the liver.
  4. SARMs are claimed to be less of a threat to prostate and breast cancer situations.
  5. SARMs are claimed to have less suppression of your bodies own natural hormones.

Why SARMS May Be Dangerous? Even more than Steroids!

  1. SARMs are not thoroughly tested on humans or even animals for that matter.
  2. SARMs have very few long term studies done.
  3. SARMs are really only available on the Grey Market so quality control is non-existent., what are you actually getting?
  4. You simply just don’t know what’s going to happen if you take SARMs short or long term?

SARMs for Research Purposes in Canada

Some SARMs I feel have are worth following as they have a lot of potential, perhaps not right now but once more research has been done.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)
Technically not a SARM but rather a secretagogue. Increases Growth Hormone by making the body produce its own Human Growth Hormone. Watch my Video on MK-677

Rad-140 (Testalone)
Works like Testosterone in your system but with less risk of Breast and Prostate cancer side effects.

SR-9009 (Stenabolic)
Exercise in a pill! Speeds up metabolism, improves endurance, prevents muscle wasting, helps with recovery, reduces cholesterol levels, can even reduce blood pressure.

YK-11 (Myostatin Inhibitor)
Reduces Myostatin in the body which allows the muscles to keep growing.

My Take-away on all of this is that SARMs are probably going to be the new PEDs of the future, maybe even eliminating Steroids altogether. SARMs may also have a place in the health system for people with muscle wasting diseases and prostate or breast cancer. If you decide you want to start using SARMs now then don’t be surprised if you grow a third arm, just kidding but you are for sure taking risks, will the benefit outweigh the risks? That’s for each person to decide on their own.

SARMs for Research Purposes in Canada