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Get Fit Over 40 February Update Video - Need to Lose a Few Pounds

Here's a quick update post! Since November/December - back when I want to Maui on my family vacation I have managed to go from about 177 pounds to just around 185 pounds, now I have not stopped working out or anything like that. It's just life in general and as I'm sure many of you know, putting on a few pounds is always easy and creeps up on you very slowly.

My goal over the next couple months is to get back down to that 175-177 pound area, it's all basically fat as my weigh training has not changed too much so all I really need to do is monitor my food intake just a bit which is what I will be doing.

I will be recording my results by means of a photo each week and a report on how my diet and weigh are going. If any of you would like to join me then please do and report back your results...

Make sure to checkout my YouTube video for this post:

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