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Entries in Get Fit Now Training (15)


How Does This All Work in Real Life? A Case Study

Video Five in my free 6-part video series is live. Really, you’re not going to want to miss this one!!

Do you want to see exactly how I was able to help my Client James lose 30 stubborn pounds when no other training was able to help him? Then seriously don’t miss this video!

See what kind of results you too can expect using my Get Healthy +Fit 4 Life Method. And the thing is…. This is really just a glimpse of what I have in store for you in my “Get Fit Now Training”.

So, With that being said I’m full of emotions. I’m super excited because this is going to be the best and most comprehensive Online Health and Fitness Program available.

But I’m also kind of overwhelmed. Because the truth is I can’t accept everyone. I’ll be giving email support and attention to the first 100 Clients that sign up therefore I can only offer the additional email support to so many.

So if you’re serious about making lifetime positive changes in your health and fitness, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for my next video. Because I’ll be sharing some very important instructions on how you can secure your spot.

In case you’ve missed some videos in my free 6-part video series, you can watch a replay of the first four videos on this special page here.

On a side note I am absolutely blown away at how many of you want to crush this with me. The early-access waitlist is growing daily. And my video series has been super popular with my viewers. 

So, a big thank you to each and every one of you. Just a reminder that spots are on a first-come, first-served basis. At this rate, I won’t be able to accept everyone in the upcoming class because I prefer to work on an intimate basis. 

But with that being said, if you’re on the early access list, you'll have access first. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can still jump on the early access waitlist here.


Get Fit Now Training Full Program Outline

The fourth video in my free 6-part video series is now live. You can watch the fourth video here.

And if I were to promise you one thing... it’s a must-see. You know that old saying? Good things take time?... Well, this has been some 35 years in the making. And boy am I proud!

In this video, I’ll be revealing the EXACT steps you need to take to get in the absolute best shape of your life and stay that way.

It’s time to say goodbye to hard to follow programs and failed efforts. And say hello to a new healthier and more energetic version of yourself looking forward to each day.

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this so watch the fourth video in our free 6-part video series. Enjoy!

In case you’ve missed some videos in my free 6-part video series, you can watch a replay of the first three videos on this special page here.

I cannot believe how many people have signed up already for the early-access waitlist. It’s amazing to see how many of you are ready to step things up!

I’m so pumped about this. If you haven’t signed up yet, the good news is that it’s not too late... yet. But it’s going to be a bit of a squeeze. 

So sign up here if you haven’t done so. Sign up for the early-access waitlist now.


Lose Weight Without Changing What You Eat or Doing Any Exercise

Video three in my free 6-part video series just went live. You can watch it here.

In this video, I break down a simple tip that you can use right now to reduce 500-1000 calories from your diet per day without even changing what you eat!

It’s a game-changer and so simple to start today. Yes, I said today! If not now, when?

And this simple tip is something most people overlook when it comes to their daily calorie intake. Make sure you watch the video now! Watch the third video in our free 6-part video series.

In case you’ve missed some videos in my free 6-part video series, you can watch a replay of the first two videos on this special page here.

I’ve covered a lot of groundwork already so make sure you don’t miss it.

Tons of people have signed up for the early-access waitlist with a surprising amount of people already watching my video series to date. (This includes YouTube and my other social media channels)

I am humbled. To be honest, I won’t be able to accept everyone in the upcoming class because I prefer working with Clients in a smaller group setting. But as long as you’re on the early-access waitlist you should be good.

You can sign up here if you haven’t done it yet.



How to Eat Less the Easy Way

My second video in my free 6-part video series just went live.

You can watch the second video here.

In this video, I’m going to show you how to get started with my  Healthy + Fit 4 Life Method and get the results you’ve been always wanting. And it all starts with understanding your body's natural eating habits. If you don’t do this, you’re literally going to be fighting your body your entire life.

Have you ever been told to eat a big breakfast but you're just not hungry in the morning? And to absolutely never eat after dinner but you go to bed starving every night… My favorite often heard advice is to eat 6 meals a day, well maybe if you have your own personal chef that might work.

So here’s the first step to fixing that:

Watch the second video in our free 6-part video series

If you missed the previous video, make sure you click on the link below and watch the replay of the first training in my free 6-part video series.

Link to 1st video

My early-access waitlist is growing super fast. I’ve got a ton of people already lined up for my “Get Fit Now Training”. And I have more and more new people joining every single day.

I’m super grateful for the interest from everyone! But also a bit overwhelmed.

I didn’t expect so many people to sign up in just a week, so in case you haven’t placed your name on the early-access waitlist yet, it’s even more important now.

Unfortunately, there won’t be enough space in the class for everyone. I want to keep to a number I can still give my full attention to.

But if your name is on the early-access waitlist, you’ll get a link to join the class one day before the public, on Sunday August 16th. That should increase your odds of getting a spot!

If you haven't signed up for my Early Bird Waitlist make sure to do so now!


Does One Size Really Fit All When it Comes to Diets?

The first video in my free 6-part video series about my new Healthy + Fit 4 Life Training Method and my upcoming program just went live.

You can watch it here:

In the video, I explain the number one problem of people over 40 trying to lose weight. And it has nothing to do with effort or desire. It’s a problem overlooked by most Fitness Trainers and Coaches.

Plus, I walk you through my new Healthy + Fit 4 Life Method workflow I have been developing and using with my Clients over the last several months.

I call this new diet and fitness program the Healthy + Fit 4 Life Method.

Why? Because it’s literally the only system that’s not built on a short term hard to follow diet and fitness program that 99% of people will inevitably fail at and go back to old habits and routines.

You see, most of my Clients and YouTube subscribers are facing the same problems: They have super complicated and busy lifestyles with so many distractions keeping them from achieving their Health and Fitness goals and dreams.

At the same time, they have tried diet after diet only to go back to the way things were before even if they saw temporary positive results.

It seems like a never ending loop that ends in disappointment and frustration. They see some temporary results and get excited. And then day to day life gets in the way and pretty soon they are right back where they started from.

There’s a way you can overcome this, and that’s exactly what I talk about in the first video in my free 6-part video series.

If you haven't signed up for my Early Bird Waitlist make sure to do so now!

Watch the first video here - Enjoy!