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Vancouver Pro Am - BC Championships - 2 Days Out

Today I got up kind of early to get some of my email and social media stuff out of the way, then I headed off to Fit4Less Langley for my last 9 minute stand up tanning session. My Black Fit4Less Membership which is under $20 per month gives me free tanning which when I'm in contest prep mode saves me a lot of money.

My wife Nicole and I had pretty much packed everything up yesterday so once I got back from tanning, we headed out the door to drive to Vancouver (about an hour) to book into the WorldMark Canadian and then make make our way to the BC Championships BCABBA Athletes meeting which was at 2:30pm. As it turned out our hotel room was not ready just yet so we dropped our luggage and food off at the WorldMark and then walked to the Vancouver Convention Center which was only about a 15 minute walk from our hotel!

The BCABBA Athletes meeting took about 2 hours, mainly for all of us to get signed in, pickup our passes and pins, get measured up for class verification and make sure our outfits where to speck! And that's where the highlights for the day pretty much end. After that we walked back to our room to get unpacked and settled in for the evening.

Tomorrow we head back to the Vancouver Convention Center to checkout the Expo since I have nothing else scheduled on Saturday. Sunday will be the big day where I step on stage for the Vancouver Pro Am - BC Championships.

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