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Should the Coronavirus Really be Causing Worldwide Shutdown and Panic?

I am making this video to hopefully give everyone actual real information on how the Coronaries compares to other ways you can die and if it really is worthy of causing Worldwide Shutdown and Panic. I am hoping to create some balance in this time where the media and Government is creating mass hysteria over what I believe is not nearly as bad is it is being made out to be. This is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Is the Coronavirus something we need to be aware of and take precautions not to get it or at least slow it down? You bet, especially if you are elderly and or have underlying health conditions.

Is the way it is being handled the best way and in the best interest for everyone "young and old"? I don’t believe so.

Is the Coronavirus a death sentence or is it even as deadly or dangerous as other threats to our health and or lives? I don’t believe so.

So why is it that the media and Government have taken such a stance and literally created a martial law situation and crippled our society and economy?

Why are other forms of illness and death where the likelihood of you becoming sick and or dying are much greater, yet they are not as big of a concern to the Government?

Let’s take a look at the statistic to compare and show what I’m talking about.

Death stats for this year based on the time of this video and article:

  • Coronavirus for comparison. 18,605
  • Total Deaths this year. 13,471,200
  • Communicable diseases. 2,973,220
  • Seasonal flu. 111,328
  • Abortions. 9,734,475
  • Mothers giving birth. 70,791
  • HIV/Aids infected. 41,660,595
  • HIV/Aids deaths. 385,020
  • Cancer. 1,881,038
  • Malaria. 224,657
  • Cigarette smoking. 1,144,958
  • Alcohol. 572,841
  • Suicide. 245,607
  • Road traffic accidents. 309,176

Death rate by Age Groups:

  • People under 50 very low risk of dying from a Coronavirus infection, less than .4%.
  • Literally a .2% chance of dying if you are under 40 years old and have a Coronavirus infection.
  • If you are under 10 years old virtually 0 percent risk of dying from a Coronavirus infection. 

Why Italy and Iran were the hardest hit by Coronavirus:

  • Very elderly age group (80's and 90') that died and 99% of the people that died in Italy had other serous medical conditions.
  • You could ask the question if it was the Coronavirus that killed them or old age and underlying health conditions? Maybe they where going to die shortly anyway, maybe the Coronavirus was the last straw. My point is death for them was more than likely inevitable and not far off. I am not trying to be unsympathetic here, but rather practical.

One huge factor not commonly talked about as to why Wuhan had such a high ratio of illness and death from the Coronavirus:

  • Incredible high levels of toxicity air pollution since 2013 from plant waste and incineration. This greatly effected their ability to deal with a disease that targets the lungs.

How is all of the mass hysteria and Isolation the Government and media has caused going to effect us in the long run?

  • It will cripple and is crippling our economy.
  • Cause a mass recession.
  • Bankrupt business and individuals.
  • Spike depression and cause I believe a large increase in suicide and mental illnesses.
  • Create even more government and social debt moving forward.
  • Increase our taxes once this is all over.
  • There is a possibility of old age pensions being discontinued since young people are not allowed to work and so no pension money and tax money is being collected for the future generations.
  • Yes these imposed restrictions will slow down the Coronavirus but will they reduce the overall infection spreading in the end? No. Many medical doctors have gone on record to say that the measures in place will slow the Coronavirus down and lesson the spike, but inevitably the Coronavirus will make its rounds and infect most people. With current measures in place this will just take longer to do so, meaning that all of these imposed restrictions will be enforced for a very long time.

I feel that even if these restrictions are reduce and people are allowed to go about there business again, there will always be more Caronavirus cases out there that will eventually cause another jump in Coronavirus infection and again mandate another period of isolation and social distancing.

So what is the solution? It’s actually very simple.

  • Number one, older people over 60 and those with underlying health conditions need to self isolate and since the older generation are not the main workforce this means the actual workforce can get back to work and keep their jobs and pay taxes and keep our economy and heath and pension systems in place.
  • Help out those that are in isolation and make sure they are being taken care of.
  • If you feel sick stay home and self isolate for a period of time.
  • If you feel healthy go out and about and do your daily activities, continue social activities just be careful, no hand shaking or hugging for now, keep extra distance from each other, wash your hands use sanitizer on your hands and frequently touched equipment.

The Coronavirus will run its full course no matter what we do, it all comes down to how we allow it to Affect us. Do we live in fear and cause a world wide economic depression or do we tell the Coronavirus to go "FYS" and battle through it.

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